Friday, May 25, 2012

Space Exploration Essay

So the question that we are asking ourselves are how much is space exploration really worth to human society? Does it outweigh the costs? What are the benefits and what are our limitations? At the end, we will find out. I think that we could benefit a lot from space exploration because for example, if anything happens to our earth, if we searched the space we might find a new place to go to. Also, we might find some new species of life form. Another thing that we could find, is materials such as the rocks on the moon… etc. But even though I think these would all be great ideas, there are some costs too. It might happen for example that the engine is dead, or something happens to the rocket, like on the video we watched with the teacher going to space, the whole crew could die. I think that sending people to the moon and other planets is a great idea, because like I said, we could find new species, and we would become even smarter than we are now. But I think that only doing Earth-based research isn’t a good idea because like that we can only learn about our planet, and we wouldn’t know anything else about the rest of the universe. I don’t think that we shouldn’t learn about earth at all though, because if we do, we wouldn’t know to predict what can happen to it. So I think that it is important that we do both.
If I had to chose 5 top things my country would work on, the first thing would be medical studies, because with medical studies, we would find out about new medicine, and it would make our life a bit longer. The second thing would be education, because without education, nobody would have the knowledge to do all the tasks, especially medical studies! The third thing would science studies, because like that we could make new technology, and sell them to other countries for money so we could spend it on other things. The fourth thing would be transportation, such as airports, marines… etc. Like this tourist would come to our country, and we would get a lot of money on that. But like this we would import and export materials. And the fifth thing that I think would be important is space exploration, because with that, we could find new things, and then sell them to other countries. Also we would get better knowledge of space.
In conclusion, I think that space exploration is very important to human society, because we would find out more about the universe. It does outweigh the costs because with space exploration, like I said before, we can find so many things we can now only imagine! And there are much more benefits then limitations!