Monday, March 26, 2012

Reasons for the seasons Lab Report

1.     If it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern hemisphere will be getting the direct light, since the earth is tilted, but if it is summer in the Northern hemisphere, then there will be the direct light!

2.     During the summer they get direct light and during winter they don’t get direct light.

3.     You would get more heat and it would be hotter

4.     It will always be hottest near the equator since wherever the heat is going towards, it will always hit the equator, and it is the coolest at the poles, since there is where the least amount of heat goes, which then makes it cooler than in other places on the planet

5.     At summer, the tooth pick will be longest, since that is when the heat is headed towards you (depending where in the world you are) and in the winter it will be shortest because at that point is when not a lot of heat is headed toward you, and makes it cold (and the tooth pick short).

6.     They are related because they are the places that the sun rays hit the earth

7.     Since the earth is tilted on its axis (23.5o), if the sun’s rays are headed to the southern part of the hemisphere, that is where it will be summer, since it’s the part of the earth that is getting direct heat from the sun. But, since in the northern part of the hemisphere there is no direct heat, there will be winter because there is less heat. And also the other way around. When the direct heat is going towards the Northern hemisphere, then there will be summer and in the southern hemisphere there is no direct heat so it will be winter.



Solar Storm

On Thursday March 8th, the biggest solar storm hit us in the last 5 years! On Friday morning, the solar storm changed its direction, and hit earth massively as it travelled 4.5 million mph towards the southern side of earth. Luckily for us, this only made some little disrupts, and didn’t harm any of the satellites, electric grids, and GPS systems. The only thing that it did do was cause some auroras to happen in places like Michigan, Seattle, Alaska, New Zealand, Minnesota and Australia. On the grid, from G1 to G5 with G5 being the most powerful, this solar storm was rated G3. The largest solar storm to hit earth was in 1859. The Northern Lights where so powerful that they could be seen all the way up where Cuba is! And the Southern Lights were also so powerful that they were able to be seen all the way down in Santiago, which is in Chile. In some parts of the USA it was so bright that you could read your newspaper without turning on the lights because of how bright the aurora was! Luckily, back then there were no GPS’s and satellites to be broken, but some of the USA equipment was burned.



Zebras Bug Repellent

Zebra’s striped skin is what their bug repellent is. Scientists first thought that their stripes where to get away from predators, because in a herd, it’s hard to recognize what one zebra is! The study was led by a group of Swedish Scientists. The first clue they found out, is that dark horses got bit more than light colored or white horses. Since we know that the zebras are born black, and get their white stripes as they grow, so the made a theory that that is why zebras aren’t attracted to flies. They tested it by taking a black horse, and took white paint, and painted him so he would have white stripes like zebras. Their result was that not many flies went to bite him, but they did go for the rest of the horses that were not black and white. Even though the theory makes 100% sense, it has never been tested on a real zebra. If it is like this, then another question the scientist will have is why did zebras develop the stripes and horses didn’t, even though they are close relatives. Scientists think because in Africa, where the zebras are from, are a lot of horseflies, and there aren’t much horses there, the zebras had to get the stripes, and horses didn’t!



Urban Farming

We have found out that by the time year 2050 comes, there will be an additional 9.1 million people! It will be very hard to feed everyone in the world. 70% of all people will be living in the city! The idea of urban farming has been going on for a while, but never really happened, until now! In Sweden, a huge skyscraper was built for the urban farming, but also for scientist from all around the earth to come and share their ideas and improve urban farming. In this skyscraper, the temperature is made by a machine that helps them, and the city’s air, because it absorbs the carbon dioxide from nearby buildings and uses that to create the temperature, to weather it needs to be cold or warm. If everything goes as planned, they will begin farming in 12-16 months! If it turns out a success, then they will start making these buildings all around the world so that there would be urban farming in other countries, and not just in Sweden! If this all works, it would get rid of the food crisis in the next 40 years!