Monday, March 26, 2012

Reasons for the seasons Lab Report

1.     If it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern hemisphere will be getting the direct light, since the earth is tilted, but if it is summer in the Northern hemisphere, then there will be the direct light!

2.     During the summer they get direct light and during winter they don’t get direct light.

3.     You would get more heat and it would be hotter

4.     It will always be hottest near the equator since wherever the heat is going towards, it will always hit the equator, and it is the coolest at the poles, since there is where the least amount of heat goes, which then makes it cooler than in other places on the planet

5.     At summer, the tooth pick will be longest, since that is when the heat is headed towards you (depending where in the world you are) and in the winter it will be shortest because at that point is when not a lot of heat is headed toward you, and makes it cold (and the tooth pick short).

6.     They are related because they are the places that the sun rays hit the earth

7.     Since the earth is tilted on its axis (23.5o), if the sun’s rays are headed to the southern part of the hemisphere, that is where it will be summer, since it’s the part of the earth that is getting direct heat from the sun. But, since in the northern part of the hemisphere there is no direct heat, there will be winter because there is less heat. And also the other way around. When the direct heat is going towards the Northern hemisphere, then there will be summer and in the southern hemisphere there is no direct heat so it will be winter.



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