Monday, June 11, 2012

Dolphins Current Event

Ever since Scientists realized how smart dolphins are, they have began trying to speak with these mammals. In these past few years scientist tried countless ways of communicating with dolphins, they even once gave them IPad's to use. But now they have come up with another brilliant idea. They call it the "Dolphin Speaker". This machine will not only be able to hear the low frequency clicks, but also the high frequency clicks that us humans cannot hear. This has never been possible, until now. Once they have recorded all of their sounds, they are going to replay it to them and see how they respond to those clicks, squeals and whistle. Even though we are still trying to figure out what these smart animals are trying to say, they have been quite successful in trying to learn some basic elements of human language and they can even follow these instructions when they are delivered on television.
 I think that dolphins are very smart animals. And I think that we are going to learn their language fairly soon because with this machine it will be easy to record their clicks. And then when we play it to them, we will see by their reactions if it’s true what the machine is telling us. And as you can see, in some way they are a bit smarter than us, because they have learned our language (not how to speak it, but understand it) but we haven’t even learned how to undersand or speak their language unless we are making random noises that sound like theirs.


  1. I love dolphins! I can't wait to swim with them this summer!

    1. And even better talk to them if their machine works :D
